Arena Master Groomer


Priefert Arena Groomer.  A well conditioned arena enhances performance, decreases the chance of injury and offers riders an opportunity to see their pattern regardless of discipline. 

SKU: AG06BE Categories: ,


Priefert Arena Master eliminates expensive hydraulics and allows operators to break packed ground, pulverize clumps and leave consistent footing, often in a single pass.  For affordable versatility in arena maintenance and grooming.

Primarily for 3 point tractor attachment but may be pulled with optional hitch. Adjustable leveling bar. Three rows of offset S-Tines. Heavy Push/Drag box blade allows operator more control over leveling arena irregularities.  Lock down position enables pull of large amounts of dirt to low sports or push dirt into dug out roping boxes.  Leave the blade to float and create a level terrain.  Fits through roping boxes, alleys and gates with ease.  Clot buster pulverizes dirt clods and packs sub surface for consistent footing while putting a final fluff on the top layer for a smooth surface.

  • Specs 6′ Arena Master:  Length: 72″, Width: 60″, Height: 49″, Weight 699lbs, suggested HP 40-80, 18 S Tines offset in a 3 row configuration
  • Specs 8′ Arena Master:  Length: 96″, Width 96″, Height: 49″, Weight 915lbs, suggested HP 60-100, 24 S Tines offset in a 3 row configuration

Freight rate may be more or less than shown (rates shown are close to actual price) and will be adjusted to correct amount when delivery is scheduled with customer.

Additional information

Weight1000 lbs

6' Arena Master Groomer, 8' Arena Master Groomer

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